Mining Your Business
A show all about Process Mining, Data Science, and Advanced Business Analytics. Jakub and Patrick are Data Scientists at Processand and they want to share their insights from the Process Mining world.
Reach out: miningyourbusinesspodcast@gmail.com
Start Process Mining: https://www.processand.com
Follow us: Mining Your Business
72 episodes
LIVE from International Conference on Process Mining in Rome
In this special episode of Mining your business podcast, we take you inside the action-packed International Conference on Process Mining in Rome. We've gathered an array of experts and enthusiasts from academia, consulting and businesses, all u...
Episode 72

How to Grow a Successful Process Mining Initiative with Florian Ernst
In this episode, we talk about what steps are required for a successful Process Mining initiative. Florian Ernst is going to be walking you through three scenarios that a compan...
Episode 71

The World of Process Simulation with John Hill, Silico
In this episode, we delve into the dynamic world of Process Simulation with John Hill, CEO & Founder ...
Episode 70

Process Mining at Rabobank with Frank van Geffen
Join us as we explore Process Mining with Frank van Geffen, Process Mining Lead at Rabobank. Frank introduces us to his transformative approach, delv...
Episode 69

What is ICPM 2023? Let's talk with the organizers, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma and Maximilian Röglinger
Welcome to a special episode where we unveil the excitement of the upcoming International Conference on Process Mining 2023 (ICPM 2023). Join us as we sit down with the organizers themselves,
Episode 68

Simplifying Banking Operations: A Process Mining Approach with Andrea Lieb, Unicredit
Unlock the secrets of streamlined processes in banking with our latest episode! Join us as we explore how Process Mining achieves process simplification in the banking sector, featuring special guest
Episode 67

Environmental Sustainability with Process Mining, featuring Anton Ehret, Processand
Discover how Process Mining drives sustainability initiatives as Anton Ehret, a Data Scientist at Processand, shares his expertise and insights on ...
Episode 66

Unlocking Operational Insights: Process Mining at MOL Group with Andras Katko
In this episode, we explore how Process Mining has revolutionized the way MOL Group analyzes and optimizes their business processes. Discover how they leverage Process Mining techniques to gain deep visibi...
Episode 65

Digital Transformation with Rameshwar Balanagu: What It Actually Is and How Does Process Mining Help?
Chief digital officer is an individual who helps a company drive growth by converting traditional "analog" businesses to digital ones using the potential of modern online technologies and data. CDO is also a person that knows exactly how a proc...
Episode 64

How to Perform Root Cause Analysis?
In this episode, we dive into the world of Root Cause Analysis and explore its role in problem-solving, while uncovering how Process Mining assists in this crucial process. Discover the value of uncovering underlying issues, weigh the decision ...
Episode 63

The Art of Process: Building Blocks for Process Excellence with Henrik Olsson, Telia
In this episode we uncover the essential building blocks for process excellence. Our guest, Henrik Olsson, shares his expertise in driving efficiency, productivity, and success wit...
Episode 62

Looking for Process Mining Success? Customer Success Manager to the Rescue!
In this episode, we shed light on the responsibilities of a Customer Success Manager and how they collaborate with organizations to maximize the value of Process Mining. From providing expert guidance to addressing challenges, they play a pivot...
Episode 61

From Play to Performance: The Benefits of Gamification in Business with Jasmin Karatas
In this episode, we explore the fascinating world of gamification in business and how it can optimize processes. Jasmin Karatas brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, h...
Episode 60

Supercharging Your Process Mining with Python
In this episode we explore how Python can be leveraged to enhance Process Mining analysis, with a focus on the powerful tools and insights available through this versatile programming language. We discuss the benefits of using Python for proces...
Episode 59

The History of Business Process Optimization With Heymen Jansen, ABB
In this episode, Heymen Jansen discusses the evolution of business process optimization and discusses how Celonis Process Mining has revolut...
Episode 58

Process Mining at IKEA Retail (Ingka Group): Insights and Opportunities with Tim Hills, CoE Lead for Process Mining at Ingka Group
In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Tim Hills, CoE Lead for Process Mining at Ingka Group, about the future of Process Mining a...
Episode 57

The Rise of Intelligent Machines: Insights on AI and Unstructured Data from Wolfgang Kratsch
Join us in this exciting episode where we dive deep into the world of AI technology. Our guest, Wolfgang Kratsch, an expert in the field of AI, shares his insights on the lat...
Episode 56

What is Product Mining? With Maximilian Kissel, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Soley
In this episode Maximilian Kissel talks about what is product mining and shares how Soley is using AI and machine learni...
Episode 55

Process Mining vs. Business Intelligence
What are the differences between Process Mining and Business Intelligence? What makes Process Mining special? What makes Business Intelligence special? Is Process Mining overhyped? Can you get away with just using Excel? We discuss all off that...
Episode 54

Simulation with Process Mining & the Story of Apromore with Marcello La Rosa, CEO and Co-Founder of Apromore
Marcello La Rosa tells us all about how Apromore came to be, what Process Mining's true potential is, what is a digital twin, and how simulations can ...
Episode 53

Brewing Success with Process Mining in HEINEKEN with Tim Bosman, Karolina Szczurek, Mateusz Gulinski
This time around, we have not one, not two, but three guests on our show! In this episode Tim Bosman, Karolina Szczurek, and
Episode 52

Continuous Improvement with Andre Simoes, Senior Lead in Performance & Continuous Improvement
What is Continuous Improvement? What are the best practices? How to achieve excellence and much more? Andre Simoes does a deep dive and tells us all about Continuous Improvement! Andre Si...
Episode 51

What is Process Mining? Vol. 2
What is Process Mining? Why does it exist? What problems does it solve? In this episode we talk all about it, again! We have learned a lot during these 50 episodes of the podcast, as well as being data scientists at
Episode 50

From Zero to Hero with Timo Peters, Bayer
In this episode Timo Peters, CoE Lead for Process Mining at Bayer, takes us on a journey of how he managed to go from 0 to 10+ processes implem...
Episode 49

Process Mining as a Commodity with Gia Thi Nguyen, SAP Signavio
In this episode we talk all about Process Mining as a commodity, suite of Process Mining, the importance of a hero in the transformation process, as well as what gardening has to do with with Business Process Management. We are certain that
Episode 48