Mining Your Business
A show all about Process Mining, Data Science, and Advanced Business Analytics. Jakub and Patrick are Data Scientists at Processand and they want to share their insights from the Process Mining world.
Reach out: miningyourbusinesspodcast@gmail.com
Start Process Mining: https://www.processand.com
Follow us: Mining Your Business
Mining Your Business
The Art of Process: Building Blocks for Process Excellence with Henrik Olsson, Telia
In this episode we uncover the essential building blocks for process excellence. Our guest, Henrik Olsson, shares his expertise in driving efficiency, productivity, and success within organizations.
Discover the key pillars of process excellence, including BPM Architecture, Process Execution Academy, Intelligent Automation, and Process Mining. In addition, we delve into the distinctions between internal and external consulting, examining how each approach offers a distinct methodology for process optimization. Gain valuable insights into how these elements can revolutionize your business processes and unlock new opportunities for growth.
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