Mining Your Business
A show all about Process Mining, Data Science, and Advanced Business Analytics. Jakub and Patrick are Data Scientists at Processand and they want to share their insights from the Process Mining world.
Reach out: miningyourbusinesspodcast@gmail.com
Start Process Mining: https://www.processand.com
Follow us: Mining Your Business
Mining Your Business
What is Product Mining? With Maximilian Kissel, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Soley
In this episode Maximilian Kissel talks about what is product mining and shares how Soley is using AI and machine learning to help companies in industries such as automotive, electronics, and aerospace to gain a competitive edge through product mining. We also discuss the challenges and opportunities in this cutting-edge field.
Whether you're a business leader, data analyst, or just curious about the latest trends in technology and innovation, you won't want to miss this episode.
You can learn more about the episode here!
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