Mining Your Business
A show all about Process Mining, Data Science, and Advanced Business Analytics. Jakub and Patrick are Data Scientists at Processand and they want to share their insights from the Process Mining world.
Reach out: miningyourbusinesspodcast@gmail.com
Start Process Mining: https://www.processand.com
Follow us: Mining Your Business
Mining Your Business
The History of Business Process Optimization With Heymen Jansen, ABB
In this episode, Heymen Jansen discusses the evolution of business process optimization and discusses how Celonis Process Mining has revolutionized this field. Heymen's extensive experience in using Process Mining to identify inefficiencies and track progress of process improvement initiatives makes him a valuable resource for organizations seeking to streamline their operations.
Gain valuable insights from Heymen's journey with ABB and other companies as he shares his experience optimizing business processes. Don't miss out on this informative episode!
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